Strange Sally Diamond: Book Review

Hi friends! Today I’m reviewing the book Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent!

My GoodReads rating: 5/5 stars

Strange Sally Diamond is a psychological thriller with a quirky central character in her 40s. Sally is a peculiar, vulnerable woman who lacks the emotional and mental maturity of someone her age. The story presents two perspectives in two timelines that eventually converge.

Sally has learned to accept herself for what she is- a hermit and ‘strange.’ She’s blunt and unfiltered in what she says, oblivious to irony and sarcasm. Sally is the survivor of a disturbing past, and her backstory unfolds slowly throughout the book. As the story progresses, we uncover the distressing truths about the man who raised her. In parallel, we have Peter’s story. He also has a traumatic past, and this slowly unfolds as well.

Throughout this book, Nugent challenges readers’ moral compasses and trust. She skillfully paints a sympathetic picture of Peter and his circumstances. While aware of his crimes, the empathy elicited for Peter is unsettling.

One of the book’s central themes is the age-old debate of nature vs. nurture. Strange Sally Diamond explores the life-long impact of trauma on individuals. Sally Diamond is strange precisely because she has experienced trauma. However, are some of Sally and Peter’s behaviors derived from their DNA?

As the story draws to a close, Sally’s future is uncertain. This factor and a few others lead me to believe Strange Sally Diamond could have a sequel.

This book was a heavy and dark read due to Sally’s past, but there’s still some humor and lighter moments through her voice and internal dialogue. The author cleverly tells the story, and I could not put it down. I loved getting to know Sally and watching her grow throughout the book!

Next up: None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell

Thanks for reading!

Love, Leah


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