Morning in My Life

Happy 2024 friends! Today I’m sharing what a morning in my life looks like. I’m working on new habits to incorporate into my day-to-day life. This year is going to be a good one!

1. Skincare

First, I typically remove my heatless curls and brush my teeth. I wash my face with the La Roche Posay Face Cleanser, which foams up nicely and leaves my skin feeling great. I also use a disposable face towel when drying my face because it keeps it clear of bacteria and helps prevent breakouts. Next, I spray the Caudalie Face Mist onto my face. It is one of the best toners I’ve tried because it evens my skin and leaves it feeling fresh and glowing. I then apply the Youth to the People Moisturizer, a lightweight product that glides on the skin super smooth. I finish up by putting on lip balm and brushing out my curls.

2. Let Chief out and tidy up

For those who don’t know, Jon and I got a puppy over Christmas break! He’s the sweetest!

3. Eye patches (these are my favorite)

I like to use under eye patches on mornings where I’m feeling extra tired and puffy. These are cooling and refreshing.

4. Make coffee and quiet time

We got a Nespresso coffee maker off of our wedding registry, and it makes great coffee and espresso. I use a Starbucks Dark Roast pod and then froth a little creamer. While I sip on my coffee, I’ll read wherever I’m at in the Bible. I decided to start from the beginning a few months ago, and I’m currently in 1 Samuel!

5. Make breakfast

I’ve been on a smoothie kick lately, especially when I’m short on time and need to take breakfast to go. My go-to has been a combination of spinach, a frozen banana, frozen pineapple, coconut water, ground ginger, chia seeds, vanilla protein powder, and a little milk.

6. Get ready for the gym or to take Chief on a walk

I don’t always have time to do this in the morning and want to work on it in the new year. However, I love using the Alive App by Whitney Simmons when I work out. This app makes me feel confident about what I’m doing in the gym. I also love a good workout outfit, so I linked some of my favorites!

That’s it! Thanks for reading!

Love, Leah


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